
A day late but I’m hoping my wifi connection lasts long enough to link up with Hawthorn Spellweaver’s Photo Scavenger Hunt!

1. The setting sun. Harvey and Riley are somewhere in the foreground of this photo I took on an evening walk in the field behind the caravan site; totally oblivious to the beauty but not to the wildlife smells.

2. Local wild place. This private lake in a hidden location in a village I used to live in really does feel like a local wild place. Home to all kinds of wildlife, I’d love to set up a night camera here.

3. Mug of your favourite drink in the garden. Well not quite the garden but as close as I can get at the moment. It’s a tin mug of Rooibos which I’m very glad I discovered when I wasn’t well and felt I should cut down on the caffeine. The first cup tasted awful but I stuck with it and now I prefer it to normal tea.

4. My kind of beautiful. Always coastlines.

5. Look to the skies. One of the small pleasures of caravanning in a woodland setting is being able to open the skylight windows and see this view. Weather permitting of course!

6. Mini beasts. Beautiful close up but I really don’t like them in the house. Or anything that flutters really.

7. Rain. Something you get used to when you live in the UK. I never mind rain as long as I’m cosy indoors (with crochet).

8. Something summery. Sussex strawberries on Bexhill beach during that recent heatwave.

9. Urban wilderness. I always think of this phrase when we are driving somewhere at the crack of dawn and there’s little traffic on the roads and somehow you notice the infrastructure so much more and particularly how ugly it all is. That’s more than likely what I was thinking when I took this photo on the way to some random city earlier in the year.

10. My own choice. The same beach as no. 8 but definitely somewhere I’d choose to be a lot more often if I still lived along this piece of coast. I’m really hoping for a family holiday there before University begins for E and A Levels begin for J.

18 thoughts on “Photographs

  1. Oh, the sunset is my favourite, without a doubt. In fact, they are all good, especially the strawberries! I love them and they look like they tasted so good. It would be heaven to own such a pond and have it all to one’s self and not to share it!


    • The strawberries were delicious! I may be bias but I swear they grow best in Kent and Sussex! I’ve dreamt of owning that lake ever since I discovered it when I was twenty and that was over twenty five years ago! I’d have a few more dogs just to justify owning it too!


  2. Oh, I am SO with you on the sea and the coast. If I could I would sell up everything and move nearer the sea. But til then, I dream! Lovely pictures as stories, thank you for joining in x


  3. I love the collage & really can’t pick a favourite. My go to when I need a break from the stresses of life is the coast, but don’t live close enough now to get there very often. We have a caravan & it has a roof light, but I’ve never thought about seeing if I can take a photo through it. Next time we are away I’ll have a look & to think we’ve just been away in it. The strawberries look yummy as does that beautiful sunset. Thanks for the pics & take care.


    • In the interests of keeping it real… our skylight is filthy because we haven’t got round to buying a ladder to get up there and clean it so the view is not so good when it’s shut! We have them open a lot in good weather though 🙂


  4. Your photographs are beautiful and that beach looks wonderful. We watch the weather with envy when the south of England is having a heatwave and we get all the blue bits on the weather map lol


  5. What a wonderful collage. I love the mug in the garden, the textures and contrasts are lovely. In fact I have enjoyed all of your photos and don’t know if I could really pick an absolute favourite.



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